Our Story

MENG was founded by Meng Zhang, an artist and businesswoman who has previously held leading roles with Chanel, Lane Crawford and Zara amongst others. For the last few years MENG has been known as a fashion brand, but this is not the whole story. MENG was born out of a drive to create plus an intellectual curiosity that defies categorisation and goes beyond any single industry. 

MENG is, first and foremost, an artistic project. A desire to create exquisitely beautiful prints led to successful collections of silk clothing, followed by homeware and gifts. Discover more about our products in Fashion & Lifestyle.

MENG is constantly changing. We continuously push our work in new directions, alongside collaborating with animators, illustrators, photographers and film makers. Find details of new and boundary-breaking projects under Our Art World.

MENG is always evolving. In recent years we have become increasingly involved in the human, psychological processes that lie beneath our activities; whether it is building a business, crossing cultures, creating beauty or increasing wellbeing. To reflect this, the Humanity & Ideas section of our website brings you some of the best journalism in arts and fashion-related psychology and philosophy, along with original research and exclusive interviews. This idea of digging deeper into the human psyche has been a lifelong interest for Meng and is central to everything we do.